Monday, May 10, 2010

On Your Mark, Get Set...Hmm

For my first dish I decided to try and make an omelet. I put in thyme, basil, and parsley and was planning to put cream cheese in the middle. Unfortunately, what seemed like a relatively simple plan did not turn out as expected. When I put the omelet on the dish, I discovered that I had over-cooked the eggs just a tad. So, of course, I had to try it just to see how badly I screwed up.
IT WAS BAD.The omelet was completely inedible. So, since I was hungry and had to eat something, I backtracked down the egg-complicatedness scale. I ended up making scrambled eggs (no cheese).Then I tried to make toast. I mean its TOAST. Impossible to screw up, right? WRONG. wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG.
The toast also was inedible.
I think this project is starting to depress me and I'm only on the first day!
I'm thinking next time I try the omelet route it would be better to get parental supervision because I obviously cannot handle it on my own.
Oh well. Hopefully dinner will be more successful because the whole family has to eat that one!

1 comment:

  1. aww that stinks :(
    well, don't worry, Christine burnt toast yesterday at the hotel and the whole room smelt like burnt toast lol!, anyways, good luck w/dinner!!! :)
