Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Squishiest Cake--- Ever

If you were looking at the title of this post, let me inform you that squishiest is a word according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. (Doesn't that just make your day? It made mine)

So remember how I promised you more about the cake? No? look down. keep looking. see it? good.Okay so now that I have jogged your memory, I can fulfill my promise. The cake is a dirt cake. It uses both vanilla and chocolate pudding, an obscene amount of cool whip, and a butter/vanilla/cream cheese/ powdered sugar mixture, Oreos, and gummy worms. Unfortunately we did not have an unused pot, so we used a bowl. Why? Because, surprisingly or maybe not so surprisingly, dirt is not actually one of the commonly agreed upon ingredients. Remember people, this is a Dirt Cake not a Mud Pie.
This is one of the few cakes (possibly the only cake) where the words "Eeeww Gross!" are a compliment you can take pride in.I am supremely excited for this portion of J.J.'s birthday because it involves an insane amount of sugar and unhealthy things. My stomach is the QUEEN of sugar and unhealthy things. My brain tries to argue, but it loses much more often than it should.

I have decided that dirt cake is the cake for someone who wants to combine all the best things in the world. Think about it. It has chocolate AND vanilla.It has dry AND moist. Finally it has crunchy and gooey and (for a bonus) gummy (yay gummy worms!).

1 comment:

  1. ummm that looks amazing haha yum!!!

    p.s. i'm glad that squishiest is a word! yes! :)
